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Daily Activity Dashboard (DAD)
The ECMC website has been designed for transparency and acts as an important gateway to the ECMC's well, facility, and production information. The existing web-based query tools, while allowing searches on a wide variety of criteria, are less ideal for the quick evaluation, display, and presentation of dynamic data.
To address this, the agency has developed the Daily Activity Dashboard (DAD) to facilitate access to frequently requested oil and gas data at the county and state levels.
A visual, interactive tool, the dashboard allows anyone to generate custom statistical charts, graphs, tables, and simple maps in near real-time. Further, because the information found in many of the tables has been linked to associated COGIS data (e.g. scout cards), users can easily drill down further. The dashboard does not replace the existing web-based data search tools (e.g. COGIS or eForms). It can, however, provide a more efficient pathway for reaching frequently used or requested data.
Data sets currently available include:
- Pending Permits
- Well Status
- Plugged Wells
- Production
- Inspections
- Notifications
- Spills
- Operator Changes
First, read the 'Daily Activity Dashboard: Getting Started' document
In the mean time a full download of the data used by the DAD can be found here: DAD Export
As you explore this new tool, please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for additional parameters or displays. We hope the application, while not fully realized yet, will become a valuable resource for you.