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Current Rulemakings
- Cumulative Impacts and Enhanced Systems and Practices (DN 240600145)
Deep Geothermal
- Deep Geothermal Rulemaking Documents
- Deep Geothermal Rulemaking Hearings and Listening Sessions Recordings
SB23-285 expanded the regulatory authority of the newly named Energy and Carbon Management Commission to include deep geothermal wells. Deep geothermal resource development is an emerging industry in Colorado that can utilize hot water in deep subsurface formations to produce energy or for direct heating uses. Colorado has several areas with higher than normal temperatures in the subsurface. These resources are mostly undeveloped and have vast future potential for energy development and direct heat use. Geothermal energy provides an alternative, clean, and renewable energy source that decreases our reliance on fossil fuels. The ECMC will be initiating a rulemaking for deep geothermal operations in the first quarter of 2024.
Rulemaking Timeline
- September 6, 2023 (Hearing) – Staff presented the Deep Geothermal Regulatory Concept Paper to the Commission
- October 18, 2023 (Hearing) – Initial strawdawg rules were released
- October 18 - November 13, 2023 – Public comment period for the Deep Geothermal strawdawg rules
- November 7, 2023 (Hearing) – Commission provided feedback to Staff on Deep Geothermal strawdawg rules
- December 13, 2023 (Hearing) – Director’s update on Deep Geothermal Rulemaking and Stakeholder Input
- Spring 2024 – anticipated update on rulemaking timeline, hearing likely in June/July 2024
Upcoming Rulemakings
Carbon Capture & Storage
Anticipated in late 2024.
SB23-285 expanded the regulatory authority of the newly named Energy and Carbon Management Commission to include Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). CCS is the process of capturing CO2 from emission sources like industrial facilities or directly from the air and storing the CO2 in the deep subsurface within formations that are not and will not be used for drinking water. The wells used to inject CO2 underground are Class VI injection wells that are currently permitted by the EPA. To enable this emission reduction tool to progress in a safe and protective manner within Colorado, the ECMC will be initiating a rulemaking in 2024 to establish regulations for Class VI injection wells. The rules will allow the ECMC to pursue and obtain Class VI regulatory authority from the EPA and regulate the wells in a manner consistent with Colorado's priorities.
Opportunities for Public Participation and Stakeholder Input
Public comment opportunities will be forthcoming once draft CCS strawdawg rules are released, anticipated in mid-2024.
Rulemaking Timeline
- Initial strawdawg rules are anticipated to be released in mid-to late 2024, with rulemaking commencing in late 2024.
Video Recordings
All of ECMC’s public hearings and listening sessions are recorded and posted on our YouTube channel.
Produced Water
Anticipated in late 2024.
HB23-1242 directed the Commission to adopt rules by December 31, 2024, that require a statewide reduction in the use of fresh water in oil and gas operations. Along with the reduction in the use of fresh water, the rules must address increasing the use of recycled or reused produced water.
Opportunities for Public Participation and Stakeholder Input
Public comment opportunities will be forthcoming once draft Produced Water strawdawg rules are released, anticipated in mid-to late 2024.
Rulemaking Timeline
- Initial strawdawg rules are anticipated to be released in mid-to late 2024, with rulemaking commencing in late 2024.
Video Recordings
All of ECMC’s public hearings and listening sessions are recorded and posted on our YouTube channel.
Worker Certification
Anticipated in 2024/ 2025.
SB19-181 directed the Commission to adopt rules by December 31, 2024, that require a statewide reduction in the use of fresh water in oil and gas operations. Along with the reduction in the use of fresh water, the rules must address increasing the use of recycled or reused produced water.
Opportunities for Public Participation and Stakeholder Input
Public comment opportunities will be forthcoming once draft Worker Certification strawdawg rules are released, anticipated in mid-to late 2024.
Rulemaking Timeline
- Initial strawdawg rules are anticipated to be released in mid-to late 2024, with rulemaking commencing in late 2024.
Video Recordings
All of ECMC’s public hearings and listening sessions are recorded and posted on our YouTube channel.
Underground Natural Gas Storage
Anticipated in 2025.
SB23-285 expanded the regulatory authority of the newly named Energy and Carbon Management Commission to include Underground Natural Gas Storage. Underground Natural Gas Storage (UNGS) involves the temporary storage of natural gas in a subsurface formation to allow for dispatchable gas to generate power when needed. UNGS can be used to help generate energy during periods of high demand. The ECMC will be initiating a rulemaking in 2024 to establish state regulations for UNGS. These rules will serve as a foundation for pursuing regulatory authority from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.
Opportunities for Public Participation and Stakeholder Input
Public comment opportunities will be forthcoming once draft UNGS strawdawg rules are released, anticipated in 2025.
Rulemaking Timeline
- Initial strawdawg rules are anticipated to be released in 2025, with rulemaking commencing in 2025.
Video Recordings
All of ECMC’s public hearings and listening sessions are recorded and posted on our YouTube channel.
Past Rulemakings
- Financial Assurance Rulemaking (SB 19-181)
2017 - 2018
- Flowline Rulemaking
- Mill Levy Rulemaking
- Pooling & Hearing Process Clean-Up Rulemaking
- School Setback Rulemaking
- Complainant Rulemaking
- Front Range Flood Lessons Learned Rulemaking
- Governor's Task Force Rulemaking
- House Bill 10-1235 - Implementation
- House Bill 10-1235 - 1412-RM-03 Notice of Rulemaking Hearing
- House Bill 10-1235 - Stakeholder Meeting I - Notice (November 17, 2014)
- House Bill 10-1235 - Stakeholder Meeting I - Agenda (November 18, 2014)
- House Bill 10-1235 - Statement of Basis and Purpose (December 10, 2014)
- House Bill 10-1235 - DORA Email (December 10, 2014)
- Enforcement and Penalty - Rulemaking
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Draft Statement - Basis and Purpose (June 12, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Stakeholder Meeting II - Agenda (July 16, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Revised Draft - REDLINE Version (July 16, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Revised Draft Rules - REDLINE Version (July 18, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Revised Draft - Basis and Purpose (July 23, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Revised Draft - Rules REDLINE Version (July 23, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Revised Draft - Rules REDLINE Version (July 25, 2014)
- 1407-RM-01 Clean-Up Rulemaking - COGCC Presentation to the Commission (July 25, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Final - Rules REDLINE (effective September 30, 2014))
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Final - Rules CLEAN (effective September 30, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Final - Statement of Basis and Purpose (effective September 30, 2014))
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Notice of Hearing (June 12, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Stakeholder Meeting Notice (June 12, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Complete Rule (June 12, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Complete Rules - REDLINE Version (June 12, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Stakeholder Meeting I - Agenda (June 25, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Stakeholder Comments and Pleadings
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Stakeholder Meeting II Notice (July 10, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - COGCC Responses from Stakeholders (July 16, 2014)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - House Bill 13-1278 (05/11/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - 1st Stakeholder Meeting Announcement (audio) (10/09/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Hearing Audio December 17th
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - 1st Stakeholder Meeting Announcement (10/09/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - COGA Draft Redline (10/21/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Western Resources Draft Response (10/21/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - December 16th Hearing Notice (10/25/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Draft Rules (10/30/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Notice of 11/22/2013 Stakeholder Meeting (11/13/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Notice of 11/22/2013 Prehearing Conference (11/13/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Revised Draft Rules - Clean (11/22/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Revised Draft Rules - Redline (11/22/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Draft Statement of Basis Purpose (12/09/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Spill Report Rules Redline (12/10/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Comments
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Final - Adopted Statement of Basis Purpose (12/20/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Final - Adopted Spill Report Rules (12/20/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - 1st Stakeholder Meeting Announcement (06/14/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Analysis of Change from 2008 to 2013 by Species - (Corrected) (07/2/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Notice of Hearing and Appendix A (06/14/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Notice of Hearing and Appendix A - (Amended) (08/1/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Statement of Basis and Purpose (09/10/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Prehearing Order (09/11/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - CPW - Internal Definitions for Maps (09/12/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - CPW - Response to Comments on the (09/12/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Revised RSO Map With All Species (09/16/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Revised RSO Maps for Bighorn Sheep Production Areas (09/16/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Analysis of Change From 2008 to 2013 by Species - (Corrected to Reflect Bighorn Sheep Map Changes) (09/16/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Agenda for July 31st Stakeholder Meeting (07/31/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Revised Shapefile RSO Map Layer for Big Horn Sheep for Detail Review (09/16/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Parks and Wildlife Presentation to the COGCC at September 17th Hearing (09/17/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Shapefiles With Proposed SWH and RSO Map Layers for Detail Review (06/28/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Stakeholder Comments and Pleadings
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Final Adopted Wildlife Maps - Statement of Basis and Purpose
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Final Adopted Wildlife Maps - Appendix A (Clean)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Final Adopted Wildlife Maps - Appendix A (Redlined)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Final Adopted Wildlife Maps - Appendix VII Restricted Surface Occupancy Area Maps
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Final Adopted Wildlife Maps - Appendix VIII Sensitive Wildlife Habitat Maps
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Agenda for July 31st Stakeholder Meeting (07/31/2013) audio
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Agenda for June 26th Stakeholder Meeting (06/26/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Agenda for June 26th Stakeholder Meeting (06/26/2013) audio
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Executive Summary of Proposed Rulemaking - (Corrected) (06/26/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Rule Changes Redline (06/14/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Proposed Sensitive Wildlife Habitat Map (06/14/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Proposed Restricted Surface Occupancy Map (06/14/2013)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Notice of Rulemaking Hearing
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Amended Notice of Rulemaking Hearing (11/07/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Draft Proposed Rule 609
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Rule 609 Conforming Rule Changes
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Revised Proposed Rule 609 (11/05/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Revised Proposed Rule 609 Redline (11/05/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - First Prehearing Order (10/26/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Second Prehearing Order (11/09/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Third Prehearing Order - Revised (12/06/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Fourth Prehearing Order (12/28/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Fifth Prehearing Order (01/04/2013)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Order Re: Withdrawal of Subpoena (12/06/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Hearing Agenda (11/09/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Hearing Audio (11/15/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Parties to Rulemaking, Prehearing Statements, Alternate Proposals, Rebuttal Statements
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Presentations
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Alternate Proposal Portfolio
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Request for Regulatory Analysis
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Regulatory Analysis pursuant to 24-4-103(4.5), C.R.S. (11/09/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Statement of Basis and Purpose (11/09/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Rulemaking Agenda for December 10th and 11th (12/07/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Hearing Audio (12/10/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Staff Revised Proposed Rule 609 (12/10/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Staff Revised Proposed Rule 318Ae4 (12/10/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Staff Rebuttal and Witness (12/24/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Hearing Agenda January 7th, 8th and 9th (01/03/2013)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Comments
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Final Statement of Basis and Purpose Rule 609 and 318A.e.(4)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Final Rule 609
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Final GWA Rule 318A.e(4) (Corrected Redlined)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Final GWA Rule 318A.e(4) (Corrected Clean Version)
- Statewide Setbacks - Stakeholder Meetings
- Statewide Setbacks - Notice of Rulemaking Hearing
- Statewide Setbacks - Amended Notice of Rulemaking Hearing (11/07/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Draft Proposed Setback Rule Changes (10/12/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Setback Rule Conforming Changes (10/12/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Revised Draft Rules - Clean (12/31/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Revised Draft Rules - Redline (12/31/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Staff Proposed Rules Revision 2 (01/07/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Stakeholder Draft Revision 2 (01/07/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Stakeholder Draft Revision - Clean (01/24/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Stakeholder Draft Revision - Redline (01/24/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Draft Revision 3 - Clean (02/11/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Draft Revision 3 - Redline (02/11/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - First Prehearing Order (10/26/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Second Prehearing Order (12/04/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Third Prehearing Order (12/10/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Fourth Prehearing Order (12/28/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Motion to Strike Exhibits (01/06/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Hearing Agenda (11/09/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Executive Session Notice (01/15/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Notice of Hearing January 24th (01/18/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - January 24th Hearing Agenda (01/23/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Notice of Hearing February 11th (02/04/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Parties Status
- Statewide Setbacks - Presentations
- Statewide Setbacks - Request for Regulatory Analysis
- Statewide Setbacks - Regulatory Analysis (11/09/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Statement of Basis and Purpose (11/09/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Rulemaking Agenda for December 10th and 11th
- Statewide Setbacks - COGCC Opening Testimony (12/10/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - COGCC Setback Analysis Tools (01/08/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Hearing Agenda January 7th, 8th and 9th
- Statewide Setbacks - Hearing Audio January 7th, 8th and 9th
- Statewide Setbacks - Hearing Audio January 24th
- Statewide Setbacks - Comments
- Statewide Setbacks - Statement Of Basis And Purpose
- Statewide Setbacks - Final Rules
- Statewide Setbacks - Final Rules Redline
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Special Meeting Notice
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - First Prehearing Order - Amended
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Draft Statement of Basis and Purpose
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Proposed Amendments
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Notice of Rulemaking Hearing - Amended
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Parties to Rulemaking
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Second Prehearing Order
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - COGCC Response to Prehearing Statements, Exhibits and Alternate Proposals
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - COGCC Recommended Clarification
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Comments
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Amended Notice of Continued Rulemaking for Deliberations
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Audio of the December 5th Rulemaking Hearing (205 MB)
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Final Modified Staff Proposal
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Audio of the December 13th Rulemaking Deliberations (18 MB)
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Order 1R-114 - Final Hydraulic Fracturing Disclosure Rule
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Amended 318A, (effective 9/30/2011)
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Proposed 318A Amendment After Comment Review with Horizontal Well Definition
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Proposed 318A Amendment After Comment Review
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Staff Presentation on GWA Amendments
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Industry Land Presentation
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Industry Geology Presentation
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Industry Engineering Presentation
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Industry Environmental Presentation
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Industry Presenters
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Chesapeake Exploration LLC Comment
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Broomfield County Comment
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Anadarko Petroleum, Nobel Energy, Encana Oil and Gas and PDC Energy Comment
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - K.P. Kauffman, Inc Comment
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - EOG Resources Comment
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Stakeholder Meeting Agenda
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Notice of Hearing
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Statement of Basis and Purpose
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Language Proposed to Change
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Full Rule Proposed Language
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Staff Request for Commission to Set Matter for Hearing
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - GWA Drilling and Spacing Exhibit
- COGCC Rule Making
- COGCC Amended Rules Redline
- Final Statement of Basis and Purpose
- Training Schedule (2009)
- Training Agendas - Denver - COGCC Conference Room March 9th and 10th
- Training Agendas - Denver - Colorado History Museum March 9th and 10th
- Training Agendas - Trinidad - Massari Theater March 11th
- Training Agendas - Wray - Wray City Hall March 12th
- Training Agendas - Greeley - Greeley Recreation Center March 13th
- Training Agendas - Grand Junction - City of Grand Junction Auditorium March 16th and 17th
- Training Agendas - Durango - La Plata County Fairgrounds March 19th
- Training Presentations - Chemical Inventory, Compliance Checklist, Tank Lableing - Rules 206, 206,& 210
- Training Presentations - Planning - Rules 216, 513, 1202
- Training Presentations - Overview of the Permit Process - Rules 303,305,306
- Training Presentations - Public Water Systems - Rule 317B
- Training Presentations - Miscellaneous Operational Rules - 300, 500, 800 Series
- Training Presentations - Safety Rules - Rules 600 - 604
- Training Presentations - Coalbed Methane Wells - Rule 608
- Training Presentations - Finacial Assurance - 700 Series
- Training Presentations - Air Quality and Odors - Rule 805
- Training Presentations - Exploration and Production Waste Management - 900 Series
- Training Presentations - Reclamation - 1000 Series
- Training Presentations - Wildlife - 1200 Series
- Training Presentations - Mapping Tools for Wildlife and Surface Water Supply Areas
- Training Presentations - Preview of Online Forms
- Permitting Handbook
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 1995-1996 Major Rulemaking Overview
- List of Rules and Policies Adopted Between 1990-2008
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