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The Energy and Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) recently passed revisions to existing flowline and inactive well rules as part of its SB 19-181 implementation (see Flowline Rulemaking).
Effective January 14, 2020, new requirements include (1) operators providing Geographic Information System (GIS) data for all off-location flowlines, crude oil transfer lines, and produced water transfer systems; and (2) flowline GIS data to be made accessible to the public online at scales greater than or equal to 1:6,000.
Mapped flowlines are now viewable on the ECMC interactive map as layers within the 'Flowlines' group. Off-Location lines are shown as Active / Inactive / Abandoned (Actual) (solid black), Active / Inactive / Abandoned (Inferred) (dashed black) , and Removed (solid purple). Crude Oil & Produced Water Transfer lines appear as Active / Inactive (solid orange). Inferred flowline paths are artifical straight-line segments between known start- and end-point risers. While useful as an approximation, these lines are not based on surveyed data.
Per the Series 100 Rules, an Off-Location flowline is defined as a flowline transferring produced fluids (crude oil, natural gas, condensate, or produced water) from an oil and gas location to a production facility, injection facility, pit, or discharge point that is not on the same oil and gas location. This definition also includes flowlines connecting to gas compressors or gas plants. Crude Oil & Produced Water Transfer lines and systems include flowlines that transport fluids generated at more than one well site.
When viewing flowlines on the ECMC map, hovering the mouse pointer over an individual flowline segment will reveal a 'flyout' (example below) showing the operator name, line status, fluid type, material type, maximum pipeline diameter, as well as links to the associated ECMC Form 44 and related facility documents.
Important Disclaimer
The data sets contained in the ECMC interactive map were generated from the Commission’s Geographic Information System.
These data sets are provided as a public service for informational purposes only and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Generally, they do not represent an on-the-ground survey and represent only the approximate relative location of flowlines. They are not intended to be used as an authoritative public record for any geographic location and have no legal force or effect. Organizations and individual users are responsible for verifying the accuracy, completeness, currency, and/or suitability of these data sets themselves.
The Commission specifically disclaims any and all warranties, representations, or endorsements, express or implied, with regard to these data sets, including, but not limited to, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of privately owned rights.
Flowline spatial information is not designed nor intended to replace the Colorado 811 program for locating underground utility infrastructures. Colorado 811 can be reached at their website, or by calling 811 or 1-800-922-1987.
Please Note
(1) Flowlines shown on the ECMC interactive map only include lines that have been vetted and approved by staff, and do not represent all of the flowlines that are currently in the ground. The new rules specify operators have until December 1, 2020 to submit GIS data for all flowlines in existence and not yet abandoned prior to May 1, 2018.
(2) Rule 1101.e(1) allows anyone to view flowline information for individual parcels at scales of less than 1:6,000 in-person at the ECMC office or through a local government subject to the confidentiality provision. Anyone viewing data in-person at scales of less than 1:6,000 may not reproduce or publish the data (i.e. no photos, prints, or other facsimilies), although they may take personal notes. For precise locating of any flowlines, Colorado 811 must be used.
(3) Rule 1101.e(2) states:
Upon request from a local governmental designee(s) (LGD), and subject to executing a confidentiality agreement and the provisions of the Colorado Open Records Act, the Commission will provide to the local government all Geographic Information System (GIS) data submitted through Flowline Reports, Form 44s, for all off-location flowlines, crude oil transfer lines and produced water transfer systems. The local government may only reproduce or publish data that the Commission makes publicly available through its website. A local government may share more specific data in person than that which the Commission makes publicly available, but the information must be treated as confidential and may not be reproduced or published.
An LGD must submit a signed Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreement via the revised electronic Form 29 (coming soon). Once the confidentiality agreement has been received and reviewed, the ECMC will be provide secure links to access the data. GIS data will be provided to the LGDs in both file geodatabase (.gdb) and shapefile (.shp) data formats. These data sets are not available to the public or commercial entities.
(4) For questions regarding flowline data please contact:
David Gates | | (303) 894-2100
Engineering Integrity
Ellice Whittington | | (303) 894-2100 x5190
Steve Wheeler | | (303) 894-2100 x5192