Home Menu500 Series Rulemaking
The Oil and Gas Conservation Commission of the State of Colorado (“Commission”) is considering amendments to the Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, 2 C.C.R. 404-1 (“Rules”), 500-Series. On April 16, 2019, Governor Polis signed SB19-181, which modified §34-60-106(6), 34-60-108(9), 34-60-116(6)(b)(I), and 34-60-116(1)(b), C.R.S. These statutory changes provide that the Commission may appoint administrative law judges to conduct hearings, and amend the evidentiary requirements for pooling and drilling and spacing unit applications.
Please note, that the 500 Series Rulemaking is not the only rulemaking contemplated by SB 19-181. Additional SB 19-181 rulemakings will be noticed and conducted at a later date. The purpose of the 500 Series Rulemaking is to make necessary changes to Commission Rules so that administrative law judges and hearing officers may preside over hearing matters and issue recommended orders to the Commission. Additionally, the 500 Series Rulemaking seeks to adopt SB 19-181’s statutory language concerning the evidentiary requirements for pooling and drilling and spacing unit applications. The procedural amendments to the 500 Series Rules are necessary to ensure that the Commission is processing hearing applications in accordance with SB 19-181.
- Final Rules & Statement of Basis and Purpose
- Draft Rules
- Party Status Request Form
- Draft Statement of Basis and Purpose
- Notice of Rulemaking
- Parties to Rulemaking
- Orders
- Prehearing Statements
- Responses to Prehearing Statements
- Motions